Category: Social Accountability

Open Government, Post2015, Social Accountability

Post-2015 Has Provided Us All With A “Big Tent”

In their paper The Benefits of a Big Tent: Opening Up Government in Developing Countries, J Goldstein…

Citizen Engagement, Open Government, Social Accountability

Designing Sustainable Citizen Engagement Initiatives

Recently I lost a relative in what seemed to be a case of profit-first-service-later after he was…

Citizen Engagement, Open Government, Social Accountability

Build it and the government will come: The problem with Civic Tech.

Those of us who have been involved in open data and the broader open government space may…

Social Accountability

Open Data. Cui Bono.

Bandying latin phrases around maybe a sign I have had too much coffee to drink. Nevertheless, I…

Citizen Engagement, ICT4D, Peer Review Mechanisms, Social Accountability

We Need Politicians for Social Accountability Mechanisms to Function

Peer reviews have been in existence for a very long time. The field of science has long…

Peer Review Mechanisms, Social Accountability

Is it Possible to Harmonize Development Plans?

I had just put out a piece that explores whether countries in Africa are harmonizing the different…